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Enrique Alcides个人资料

Enrique Alcides图片

European young actor Enrique Alcides was born in the Canary Islands in 1982 and grew up in the Sahara Desert and Andalucía,in the south of Spain,the land of his ancestors.At an early age he began a long journey of experiences.Some professionals who have contributed to his skills acting development are Susan Batson,Will Keen,John Strasberg, Tamzin Townsend, Owen Horsley, William Layton or Arnold Taraborelli. He has been a member of the European Film Academy for many years, after being named Shooting Star at the Berlinale Film Festival, in an event hosted by Oscar winners Faye Dunaway and Istvan Szabo. Enrique has taken a leading role in several internationally acclaimed and awarded films and has enjoyed the privilege of working alongside artists such as John Malkovich, Peter Greenaway, Deborah Harry, Geraldine Chaplin, Bob Wilson, Angela Molina(Bunuel's"That Obscure Object of Desire"), Elena Anaya(Van Helsing,The Skin That I live In), Ana Torrent(Cría Cuervos,Amenábar's Tesis,Tulse Luper Suitcases), Daniele Liotti(Stones),Eusebio Poncela(Almodovar's "Low Of Desire"), Antonia San Juan(Almodovar's All About My Mother). On stage he has performed texts by David Hare, Terry Johnson, Antonin Artaud or Shakespeare, being Dostoievski's The Great Inquisitor under the direction of Boris Rottenstein, his last appearance so far.






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